Every student is required to bring their identity card and school diary to class every day.

Items that are lost or misplaced are not the school’s responsibility. The main office will be the location where all recovered missing property can be found.

Unless the teacher specifically instructs otherwise for a field trip or function, students are not allowed to bring money to school. As soon as the child gets to school, money needs to be deposited with the instructor. The money that pupils bring is not the school’s concern.

It is not allowed for students to bring knives or pointed scissors to school. This offense carries consequences.

Pricey watches, fountain pens, MP3 players, toys, and other precious items are not permitted for students to bring to school. The item will be confiscated for any breach of this rule.

Until they are in grade 5, students are not allowed to wear watches.

Students are not allowed to carry cell phones to class.

Students are not permitted to bring festival-related items onto school property, such as crackers for Diwali or colors for Holi. Even after school, they are not permitted to engage in these activities while wearing their school uniform. There are severe repercussions if this policy is broken.

Bullying and Profanity It is strictly forbidden to engage in bullying or use profanity on school property or when traveling on school buses.

In spite of several warnings, the Management may take appropriate disciplinary action against any student whose behavior is deemed unacceptable.

Without having to speak, any amorous gestures—such as embracing, kissing, cuddling, sitting close to someone, or sitting on their laps—will result in an immediate punishment card or suspension.

The school uniform is a symbol of the institution and is to be worn with honor and pride. It is not allowed for students to scribble on or cut the uniform.

Without the principal’s prior approval, photography is not allowed on campus.

Students are expected to respect the property and facilities of the school. A student is liable to pay for damaging school property within two weeks of receiving an invoice.

On birthdays, students are only permitted to carry candies or small toffees to share with their classmates or teachers. Chocolates, cakes, or any other items are not permitted.

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